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Open Contacts


Sharing the database of Open Contacts

Open Contacts uses Firebird database server as database engine. By default, OC uses Firebird embedded which is installed implicitly. Open Contacts is very much self-contained.

If you prefer using OC in office environment where people using multiple copies of OC will share the same set of info of business contacts, a standalone Firebird database server should be installed. Here are the steps:

1. Download and install Firebird database server.

Please visit


for general info about Firebird. Firebird is an open source FREEWARE program.

You could download the Windows version from

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/firebird/Firebird- (2.7 MB)

After saving Firebird-, you will run the file on a PC which will be the host machine which every PC workstations will connect to. Generally, the host machine is a server machine in your Local Area Network.

During the installation, the installation program will ask you whether you want the database sever to run as a Windows service or Windows application. In general, you should make it run as a Windows service.

In addition, you need to copy "udfoc.dll" to folder "udf" of the program folder of Firebird. For example, if Firebird is installed in folder "c:\Program Files\Firebird", you will find a folder named "udf" under. And "udfoc.dll" comes with Open Contacts, it is located in folder "udf" of the program folder of Open Contacts.


Please make sure that any firewall program on the host machine allow Firebird to listen to client requests.

2. Install Open Contacts on each of the computers (client machines)

Assuming that the computer name of the host machine is "myhost", and the database file "default.gdb" (You could rename it) that will be shared is copied to folder "C:\MyDatabases\OC", please be aware this folder is on machine "myhost".

After installing OC on one of the computers, go to the program data folder. You will find a file named "main.ini". Open it with any text editor, and modify the following content.

By default installation, the database file is "default.gdb" stored in folder "Data" under the program folder. You need to change the value of field "Database" to the following:


After starting, Open Contracts will connect Firebird database server running on machine "myhost", and Firebird will then handle "c:\MyDatabases\OC\default.gdb".  Alternatively, you can do such change through the Options window.

If you want all users on different client machines share the same demo database, you may change the value of field "DemoDatabase" as well.

If contacts are associated with some external files such as photo in the unified file folder, you might need to change the default Files folder through the database tab of the Options window.